Insurance Products

Our experienced advisers will guide you through the options to arrive at an affordable solution that best protects your family and loved ones.

  • Life insurance

    • Term insurance. Mortgage protection. Family income. Whole life. Inheritance tax planning

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  • RESP

    • Registered Education Saving Plan. Start saveing for your child's education today

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  • Health insurance

About Us

It would be an honor to help you or someone you know with their insurance needs! From whole life, trerm, critical illness, travel, RESP, and financial services, I am here to help! Feel free to reach out to me any time. I take my role as Trusted Advisor very seriously and will always do the right thing for you or your referrals. With over 400 lives insured, I am always looking for great new familes to help, and take care of their family members and referral partners!

  • Don't wait, call today.
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Hours supported

About RESP

An RESP is a tax shelter, designed to benefit post-secondary students. With an RESP, contributions (comprising the investment's principal) are, or have already been, taxed at the contributor's tax rate, while the investment growth (and CESG) is taxed on withdrawal at the recipient's tax rate. An RESP recipient is typically a post-secondary student; these individuals generally pay little or no federal income tax, owing to tuition and education tax credits. Thus, with the tax-free principal contribution available for withdrawal, CESG, and nearly-tax-free interest, the student will have a good source of income to fund his or her post-secondary education.


Insurance Agents

Our agents are available 24/7.

Binyamin Shimonov


Insurance agent with over 15 years of experience in insurance business.

Eduard Shimonov


Insurance agent with over 5 years of experience in insurance business.

Juliet Shimonov


Insurance agent with over 4 years of experience in insurance business.

Contact information

Contact us today for a free consulatation. Get more information about your insurance options and quotes.

  • (416) 806 7550
  • 100 Mural St, Richmond Hill